Queens of the Court- Social

Intermediate Women’s League


Skill level: Social 3.0-3.49

Meeting day and time: Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM

Park location: CTC @ Hull

Maximum registrations: 30 (with 18 playing each week)

Playing format: Round robin


Jackie Keenan

Coordinator approval required to register: No

Player Skill Expectations

This league is NOT a fixed partner league however there will be 1 evening will you will have a fixed partner for the night but the coordinator establishes those match-ups. For registration you will be signing up as an individual player.

Focused on the Advanced-Beginner (self-rating of 3.0 – 3.49) this league will give women the
opportunity to play other like-skilled women, without the pressure of stats or DUPR ratings. All players are expected to know the basic rules and be able to keep score. This is a great league to develop your skills while having fun in a welcoming environment. We will have 30 women on the roster with 18 available playing slots each week. Everyone will be required to register for the next week’s play via Sign-Up Genius each Saturday morning.

The primary goal is to foster enjoyment and camaraderie, providing a space where women can come together to play, improve, and share their love for pickleball. This season will be filled with fun, friendly competition, and lots of laughter on the court!

General Comments

General Comments

  • DUPR Scores: This is a social league! Player scores will NOT be recorded in DUPR.
  • Equipment and Essentials: Bring your own pickleball paddle, plenty of water, and stay hydrated. Sunscreen, comfortable attire, and protective glasses are highly recommended. Balls for play will be provided.
  • Participation: To ensure a fun and competitive experience for everyone, players are expected to plan to attend each week. Consistent attendance is crucial for maintaining balanced teams and ensuring that all matches are competitive and enjoyable. Your participation is essential for the league’s success, so please make every effort to be present each week. If you already know you will miss 3 or more weeks, please consider allowing saving one of the limited 30 roster spots for someone who can attend on a more consistent basis. Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm! Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm!



Read the registration rules first!

  1. Access and complete the registration form via the “Add to Cart” link.
  2. Checkout and pay the league fees.
  3. Check your email for a receipt to confirm successful registration.
Sign-Up Links